Honours 1st Year Result 2024 [session 2022] nu result

The Bangladesh National University (NU) has officially released the Honours 1st Year Result for 2024, for the session of 2022, on April 3, 2024. Accessing your results is simple and can be done online or via SMS.

Important Date And Time of Honours 1st year result

SL Description Action
01 Result Name Honours 1st-year examination Result
02 Examination Session 2021-2022
03 Examination Start Date 16 October 2023
04 Result Published Date 03 April 2024
05 Organization National University Bangladesh
06 Result Checking Link

Honours 1st-year exam result-related Notice

Honours 1st year exam result

How to Check Results Online

To check your results online, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official NU website:
  2. Select the “Honours 1st Year” option.
  3. Enter your roll number or registration number.
  4. Click on “Search Result” to view your results.

Checking Results via SMS

If you prefer to use SMS to check your results, follow this easy method:

  • Send a text message with “NU H1 [Your Roll Number]” to 16222.

Example: NU H1 1234567 (sent to 16222)

NU Honours 1st your result

Honors 1st-year result related support

If you face any problem while accessing your results online, you can find your exam results and mark sheet directly from the NU website. For additional help, you can comment with your roll number and registration number, and we will help you to get your honors 1st year result.

Results release date

the Date of the declaration of results is April 3, 2024, those who appeared for the Honours 1st-year examination can check their results online or through SMS. NU authorities have provided detailed instructions for both methods and students can download their marksheets from the official website.

Read More: Honours 1st year Routine 2024

Requesting Result Re-scouting/ Khata Challange

If you are not satisfied with your results, you have the option to request a re-scouting/Khata Challenge of your result. Detailed instructions for this process can be found on the NU website. If you want to apply for khata challenge so follow the instructions.

Khata challange Guide

This article aims to provide a thorough guide on how to:

  • go to the NU official website
  • see the result re-scouting option by navigate
  • Select your Course Name
  • Paid selected fees
  • Done
  • Now wait for the result.
These steps are designed to help NU students access their 1st year Honors results efficiently and resolve any issues they may face.
The National University of Bangladesh plays an important role in the Bangladesh graduation education system, offering a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. One of the most anticipated events in the academic calendar is the declaration of Honors 1st year results.
As 2024 unfolds, students across the country are eagerly awaiting their performance results, which will significantly impact their educational journey. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understand the Honors 1st-year result process, exam procedure, and essential tips for students.

Details about Bangladesh National University

The National University of Bangladesh (NU) was established in 1992 with the aim of decentralizing and democratizing the higher education sector. It affiliates numerous colleges across the country, offering programs in arts, science, commerce and other disciplines. NU’s honors programs are particularly notable for their rigorous curriculum and extensive testing procedures, which allow students to achieve academic excellence.

Honors 1st Year Exam Process

The Honors 1st year examination is an important step for students pursuing their undergraduate degree. The process involves:
Registration and form filling: Students must register for their courses and complete the form filling process, usually conducted a few months before the exam.
Admit Card and Exam Schedule: Once registered, students will receive their admit card and exam schedule, outlining their exam date and venue.
Participate in Exams: Exams are held in a controlled environment to ensure fairness and honesty. They usually cover different subjects depending on the student’s major.
Result Compilation: After the examination, the answer scripts are evaluated by the qualified examiners. The results are then compiled and verified by NU authorities.

Detailed Guide to Check Honours 1st Year Result.

Once the results are ready, NU publishes them on the official website and other designated platforms. Here is the step by step guide to check Honors 1st Year Result 2024:
Visit the official website of NU: Visit the official website of Bangladesh National University (www.nu.ac.bd).
Go to the Results Section: Find the ‘Results’ tab on the homepage and click on it.
Select Exam Type: Select ‘Hons 1st Year’ from the dropdown menu.
Enter Required Details: Input your exam roll number and registration number in the fields provided.
View and Print Result: Once the details are submitted, your result will be displayed on the screen. You can print the result for future reference.

Key Dates and Deadlines

Event Date
Registration and Form Fill-Up September 2023
Issuance of Admit Cards September 23
Examination Period October – November 2023
Result Announcement 03 April 2024

Tips for Students Awaiting Results

  1. Stay Informed: Regularly check the official NU website and your respective college notice board for updates.
  2. Prepare for the Next Steps: Use the waiting period to prepare for the next academic year or consider internship opportunities.
  3. Manage Stress: Engage in activities that help manage anxiety, such as exercising, reading, or pursuing hobbies.
  4. Seek Guidance: If you’re uncertain about your academic future, seek advice from professors, career counselors, or academic advisors.

Common Queries and Concerns

Honors 1st Year Result 2024 (Session 2022)
1. When will the 2024 session Honors 1st year result be published?
The exact date of release of Honors 1st year result for 2024 session is yet to be announced. Usually, the results are released after a few months after the final exam is held. Keep an eye on the official announcement from your university.
2. How can I check my Honors 1st year result?
You can check your result through the official website of your university. You will need your roll number and registration number to access your result. Some universities also provide result through SMS service.
3. What details are required to check result online?
To check your results online, you will usually need:
  • Roll No
  • Registration No
4. What should I do if I find an error in my results?
If you find any discrepancies in your results, such as errors in marks or personal details, you should immediately contact the examination authorities of your university. Most universities have a formal process for revising and revaluation of results.
5. Can I apply for re-evaluation or re-examination of my examination papers?
Yes, most universities allow students to apply for re-evaluation or re-checking of their exam papers. You have to fill an application form and pay a nominal fee. Check your university’s specific guidelines and deadlines for this process.
6. What is the pass criteria for Honors 1st year examination?
Passing criteria varies by university, but generally, you must secure a minimum percentage of marks in each subject and overall aggregate percentage to pass the Honors 1st-year examination. See your university’s academic guidelines for detailed information.
7. When will the supplementary examination be held for those who fail?
Supplementary exams are usually scheduled a few months after the declaration of regular exam results. The exact dates will be published on the official website or notice board of your university.
8. How can I apply for a supplementary examination?
To apply for a supplementary exam, you usually need to fill out an application form and pay a fee. Forms and details about the application process can be found on your university’s website.
9. Where can I get previous year question papers and study materials for preparation?
Previous year question papers and study materials are often available in your university library. Some universities provide these resources online on their official websites or through their academic portals.
10. How can I stay updated about the latest announcement regarding results?
Stay updated about the latest announcements:
Check the official website of your university regularly.
Follow your university’s official social media channels.
Subscribe to university newsletters if available.
Keep in touch with your professors and department notice boards.
11. What should I do if I face technical problems while checking results online?
If you face technical problems while checking your results online, try the following:
Please clear your browser cache and cookies.
Try accessing the website from a different browser or device.
Check the University’s official social media for any announcement regarding technical issues.
Contact the university’s IT support or examination office for assistance.
If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask!


The announcement of the Honours 1st Year results is a significant milestone for students under the National University of Bangladesh. It not only reflects their hard work and dedication but also sets the stage for their future academic endeavors. By understanding the examination process, keeping track of important dates, and knowing how to check their results, students can navigate this crucial period with confidence. Moreover, staying informed and seeking guidance when needed can help them make well-informed decisions about their academic and professional futures.

For More Information about National University Results visit NU result Page.

Updated: June 20, 2024 — 3:01 pm

The Author

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